How has Mills & Reeve’s brand positioning and identity been shaped by the rising importance of ESG, and how do you ensure that your sustainability efforts aren’t just viewed as ‘greenwashing’?
When it comes to ESG, it’s championed from the top down. This has been particularly instrumental while developing our new 2030 strategic plan. We were keen to avoid ESG simply being viewed as a separate strand of that strategy – instead being positioned firmly at the heart of it. We were able to achieve this by building ESG into our purpose and vision, through which our ESG strategies are core to how we deliver on our purpose. Building ESG into our strategic plan has also given us a great opportunity to revisit our firm values to ensure they too reflect our approach to building a more responsible business.
Taking a strategic approach to ESG and measuring well, gives us the evidence to create meaningful and authentic reports and communications which in turn avoids greenwashing and greenhushing. We’ve made our net zero commitments, set our targets and we promote environmental sustainability in all aspects of our operations. We’ll be holding ourselves accountable to these. To support our people and clients, we’re embedding ESG even deeper into the organisation. We’ve got a great team incorporating sustainability experts, our diversity, inclusion and wellbeing team and wider ESG specialists both within business services and within our legal teams to encourage good governance.
We’ve also been building out our distinctive “Achieve more. Together.” strapline into a more defined purpose statement. The framework we’ve built, “achieving more for you, your business (or organisation), and the wider world”, allows us to bring issues like wellbeing and ESG into the conversation.
Case study: We’ve recently teamed up with longstanding client Albanwise Environment to restore a difficult to cultivate piece of farmland that suffers with flooding and peat degradation during drought. Working with Albanwise Environment in the first of its kind project, environmental DNA (eDNA) specialists NatureMetrics have taken peatland soil and water samples from the site in Norfolk to see what species could thrive in the area and where the land needs to improve. The eDNA will also be compared to samples taken from existing wetland sites nearby. This will give clues to the sort of habitats and landscapes that could develop at the site in 20-30 years’ time.
Eventually we’re looking to use carbon credits from the wetland restoration to offset our own emissions and achieve our emissions reduction targets. We believe this project sets us apart from other firms who tend to look to the national and international voluntary carbon markets for offsetting. It’s also more interesting, it becomes a story that we can take people on a journey with over the next 5-10 years. We’ve also had advice from our in-house ESG law team about avoiding making greenwashing claims and being able to back up what we say with facts
How have clients (corporates and private clients) responded to the firm’s sustainability efforts? Have you noticed a shift in brand perception or loyalty among clients as a result of your ESG initiatives?
ESG initiatives have given us a great platform to engage with clients in a very different way. It’s also helped us to stand out, which is not easy in a highly competitive marketplace where it has become increasingly difficult for firms to distinguish their offering.
For example, earlier this year we delivered ‘ESG Ignite’ a five-part thought leadership series based on an extensive client listening programme with senior business leaders from across a diverse range of sectors. We valued the openness from clients on their ESG challenges and opportunities. The campaign provided a strong platform for different organisations to showcase their own stories which were featured throughout the series. Response to the campaign has been fantastic, possibly one of the strongest engagements we’ve seen from a thought leadership campaign – resulting in new work and new clients, through to opportunities to authentically collaborate and partner with clients’ business networks.